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August 25, 2022

Preparing Your Horse For Competition

Good planning and preparation are essential for success in any sport, especially in horse riding when you have yourself AND your horse to consider. Use these tips to help prepare yourself, and your horse for competition!

Consider whether your horse's management will need to adapt

Is your horse currently under the right training plan for the level of competition they will be attending? Are they being fed the right nutrition? If not, work out what you need to do to get to this point, and make a plan. Remember, the horse's gut struggles with rapid change, so if you intend to feed something different whilst travelling (hard feed or forage) make sure you make these changes 2-4 weeks in advance to prevent gut upset. By doing this you can attribute any changes in behaviour and health to one particular change!

For many, working out which training plans and nutrition suit their horse best takes some trial and error. Therefore, make any changes well in advance of big competitions, so you have time to adapt further if needed. The earlier you can do this, the more likely you are to settle on a perfect plan when it matters most. Having the best training plan for your horse will mean you both feel more settled come competition day, as you will feel more prepared and in control.

Keep on top of trimming/clipping/grooming

Most horse owners will groom their horses daily, which goes a long way towards making it easier for you to prepare them for a show. It helps to keep your horse’s coat looking fantastic, and makes it easier to bath come show day. This is because grooming increases blood circulation to the area, allowing the hair to grow and look healthier.

If you have time, you could also bathe your horse on a regular basis, not just in the lead-up to a show, to help keep the dirt out of the coat. This will result in the need for fewer baths the week leading up to a competition. Whenever you have time, we also recommend that you keep on top of their mane, tail and feathers. Trim the feathers if needed, clip a bridle path if appropriate and keep that mane nice and tidy. It will save you loads of time come competition week!

Plan what you need to bring with you to the competition in advance, and bring extra!

There is nothing worse than arriving at a competition to find you haven’t brought enough of something, or have forgotten an essential bit of kit. We’ve all been there, but it can be prevented. Make a list of EVERYTHING you need for the competition, for you and your horse. Then pack the lorry/trailer up well in advance and double-check everything is in there before you leave. Don’t forget to bring spares of things like girths, bridles, and grooming kits just in case of emergency!

Make sure YOU are prepared for the competition

The key to this tip is knowing how best you prepare for competition, and making sure you have everything with you to be able to do this.

Do you need to listen to some music before getting on your horse to relax? Maybe you suffer from nerves and don’t feel like eating breakfast? In which case packing some healthy, high-protein snacks you can nibble on prior to riding your horse is essential (you need to give yourself the best nutrition too).

To prepare yourself for competitions with your horse we also recommend:

Bringing plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Learn your dressage tests well in advance.

Leaving plenty of time to walk the course (cross country or showjumping). If you can, walk your cross-country course the day before the competition.

Make sure you’ve cleaned your tack and polished your riding boots before the day of the competition.

Decide what to do with your horse the day before a competition. Some horses will need a more intense ride to keep them settled, whilst others would benefit from a day off or lighter work. Each horse is different so do what is best for yours!

Bring a friend or coach with you

Having a helping hand at a competition is invaluable. Whether that be a friend who just loves being there to support you or your riding coach who has come to help you warm up as well. It makes timing everything a little less stressful, as it means you can focus on yourself a little more if they are happy to help get your horse ready. You will also then have someone to (hopefully) celebrate with you when you do well (and do the all-important cheesy chip runs as well)!

Make sure you bring plenty of water for your horse

If it is hot, we also recommend bringing a mash/soaked feed for after you have competed your horse. This can be a great way of ensuring your horse rehydrates after a competition, especially if they are not so keen on drinking water whilst away/travelling. You can view more tips on managing water intake on the go by visiting this previous blog post.

By bringing plenty of water, you are also ensuring you have plenty to wash down your horse before travelling back home. This is vital for ensuring they have cooled down correctly.

It is also worth making sure you have enough filled hay or haylage nets with you, to allow for your horse to “graze” between classes. This ensures that their digestive system doesn’t get disrupted and your horse can then perform at their best!

In summary:

Consider whether you need to change your horse's management prior to competition, and do so in plenty of time.

Regularly trim/clip/groom your horse so you don't have to worry about doing it just before a competition.

Plan what you need to bring to the competition and pack extra!

Make sure you are prepared.

Bring a friend or coach with you for support.

Bring plenty of water and hay/haylage for your horse.

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